Friday, May 30, 2008


Well the time finally came! Ryan Dee Gonzalez was born at 2:14am at Kaiser Santa Clara weighing 7 lbs 7 ounces (6.8) and 20 inches long. After spending about 16 hours at the hospital 6 in labor we finally got to see our little bundle of joy. Please check out the photo album, he's freaking adorable. I'm not too sure who he looks like yet but I'm just so thankful and excited to be a dad.

Thanks to everyone who visited and showed love and support throughout the last nine months.

Check out the pics!!

Birth Day

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Baby Room!

Well we're pretty much done with the room! We have the crib and changing table in already and we are looking to get a rocker/glider to finish it off! It is starting to all sink in now a lot more, for me especially. I can't wait!