Friday, November 23, 2007

Well if you haven't heard by now...

Yup its true, Lorraine and I are pregnant. We've known for about 3 months and have just recently started telling most people.

If you weren't one of the people that we told, please don't be mad. This is our first child and haven't really figured out how to do this whole thing yet.

We aren't going to find out if its a boy or a girl until it is born. We also aren't going to be sharing the names we've picked out.

We are both super excited about this whole thing, please feel free to give us a call we'd love to hear from you.

Here is our first picture!
From Baby

and if you don't know whats going on it that picture I made this one for you....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have always wondered what the splotches where...?!? Congrats to the both of you!!