Monday, December 22, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hi everyone, sorry for the long time in between updates. We've been busier than usual lately with friends' weddings and other events. Ryan has been eating rice and oatmeal cereal for a few weeks now and today we gave him a sippy cup and his first taste of sweet potatoes. Check out the slide show!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ryan's first cereal

Well since Ryan is 4 months old now we can start to introduce cereals and today he had his first taste of something other than boob milk!

Here are the pics

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ryan's First Giants Game!

Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Will and Melissa spent the day in San Francisco and took Ryan to his first Giants game. We all had so much fun taking the train to the city. The weather was wonderful, about 70 degrees and what a great game! The Giants won against the Pirates, 11 to 6. Ten of those runs were in one inning! Ryan wore his Giants shirt, his Giants shorts and his orange Giants jacket. At the game Daddy bought him his first baseball cap and even though it was size "infant," it was still a bit too big. Mommy made Ryan a big sign that said "My 1st Giants Game" and several people in the ballpark told us to go see Lou Seal for a special present for Ryan. Lou Seal gave Ryan a picture of the ballpark and a signed certificate welcoming him to his first baseball game! Its in a special folder that will keep it safe. We were really hungry after the game so everyone had dinner at Bubba Gumps at Pier 39. After a long, fun-filled day, everyone fell asleep on the trainride home.

**Click the pictures to get to the photo albums**

Water Babies

On September 5th, Ryan started Water Babies! Water Babies is a baby/parent swim session that gets babies used to being in water with songs and games and eventually teaches them how to swim. DACA (De Anza Cupertino Aquatics) takes babies as young as 3 months, so we enrolled Ryan a week after he hit the 3 month mark. The class meets once a week for 30 minutes, and so far he loves it! After Water Babies, we went to see Auntie Karen and Uncle Ed, and Ed gave Ryan his first gold medal!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Has it been 3 months already?

Our little guy is already 3 months old. He laughs and smiles all the time and is really starting to coo and gurgle A LOT. He is very talkative, especially in the a.m. Ryan is such a morning person and is always super happy and greets his Mom and Dad with a smile at 6 a.m. He can turn over onto his side now but can't flip over completely, and he is great at holding up his head. Mommy went back to work 3 weeks ago and Ryan has adjusted just fine. (Mommy, not so much) They are very lucky that with Daddy's schedule, Ryan only has to be at day care seven days a month. The rest of the time he is with Daddy. Dustin takes Ryan for walks and to see Ryan's great grandma all the time. Dustin loves spending his days with little Ryan, even if all they do is stare at each other all day. We have lots of new pictures of our little man. The first album is all his 2 month pictures and the second album is Ryan at 3 months.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Ryan Dee

Pictures of weeks 2-3!

More Pictures

Baby G

Here are some pictures of Ryan's first couple of weeks!

Friday, May 30, 2008


Well the time finally came! Ryan Dee Gonzalez was born at 2:14am at Kaiser Santa Clara weighing 7 lbs 7 ounces (6.8) and 20 inches long. After spending about 16 hours at the hospital 6 in labor we finally got to see our little bundle of joy. Please check out the photo album, he's freaking adorable. I'm not too sure who he looks like yet but I'm just so thankful and excited to be a dad.

Thanks to everyone who visited and showed love and support throughout the last nine months.

Check out the pics!!

Birth Day

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Baby Room!

Well we're pretty much done with the room! We have the crib and changing table in already and we are looking to get a rocker/glider to finish it off! It is starting to all sink in now a lot more, for me especially. I can't wait!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Belly!

We'll add more as time goes by!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

More Pictures!

These are photos of our last ultrasound, sorry it took so long to get them up. Just in case you were wondering, you can't tell if its a boy or girl in any of the pictures.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Felt It!

I felt the baby kick and/or punch! Lorraine has been feeling it for some time now, but I felt it for the first time last night. It was amazing to say the least!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Rockem Sockem Baby

Lorraine has told me that she can feel the baby moving around now; I can't wait till I can feel it too.

She says it usually feels like a flutter, but last night it felt like the baby was head-butting her bladder.

Oh btw we started working on our registry, turns out Babies*R*Us likes to add hella stuff to your registry for you. So please don't buy us anything off of the registry yet.

Pictures of the belly to follow! In the meantime Lorraine drew this picture that is going to be the theme for the baby room.

We love you,

Lorraine and Dustin

Saturday, January 5, 2008

More Ultrasound Action

This is our little baby punching and kicking in Lorraine's belly. Looks like its getting all the exercise it needs to come out and kick some butt in the real world.

We're Gonna be a Fambly

Yes its true! I asked Lorraine to marry me and she said yes! Its official, we're thinking that the wedding will be October '09. Feel free to buy us gifts any time tho =)