Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Has it been 3 months already?

Our little guy is already 3 months old. He laughs and smiles all the time and is really starting to coo and gurgle A LOT. He is very talkative, especially in the a.m. Ryan is such a morning person and is always super happy and greets his Mom and Dad with a smile at 6 a.m. He can turn over onto his side now but can't flip over completely, and he is great at holding up his head. Mommy went back to work 3 weeks ago and Ryan has adjusted just fine. (Mommy, not so much) They are very lucky that with Daddy's schedule, Ryan only has to be at day care seven days a month. The rest of the time he is with Daddy. Dustin takes Ryan for walks and to see Ryan's great grandma all the time. Dustin loves spending his days with little Ryan, even if all they do is stare at each other all day. We have lots of new pictures of our little man. The first album is all his 2 month pictures and the second album is Ryan at 3 months.

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